We provide all children with rich and stimulating experiences. Their learning environment is well planned and well organised. We ensure that we provide an exciting well structured day of learning through effective teaching techniques within which children explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves, thus enabling them to learn, develop and make good progress.
Each day starts with a visit to the cloakroom to hang up their coat and put on their indoor shoes, then off to the book corner for circle time. This time also includes a chat about the theme and fun we will embark on through the day. The children will also spend time sharing experiences and items brought in from home.
Through your child's busy and fun time within pre-school, the practitioners are carrying out various observations to record each child's progress. All observations are placed in your child's achievement file.
The children are encouraged to become secure and confident within their environment. The pre-school room and outdoor environment's layout enables the children to choose their own activities to play with whenever they wish.