Forest School

Little Bears Day Nursery Limited 1

Forest School

Children that experience our forest school will access all areas of learning and development within the EYFS. They are well supported in the outdoor learning environment in their development, and learn a range of skills through activities within the nursery and pre-school grounds and beyond – utilising our natural surroundings on site and also with off-site walks.  For more details, contact Little Bears Day Nursery Limited. 

What is Forest School?

The ethos of forest school is based on a fundamental respect for children and young people, and their capacity to investigate, test and maintain curiosity in the world around them. It believes in children’s right to play; the right to access the outdoors (and, in particular, a woodland environment); the right to access risk and the vibrant reality of the natural world; the right to experience a healthy range of emotions, through all the challenges of social interaction, to build resilience that will enable continued and creative engagement with their peers and their potential.

"Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content – more on the how than the what. This means that genuine forest school practice steps boldly out of the shadow and limitation of planned activities and ventures collaboratively into the realms of the unplanned, unexpected and ultimately the unlimited. Children and young people are given encouragement to direct their own learning- this often requires catalysing on the part of the forest school leader either through stimulating play in the outdoors or through scaffolding a child's learning, but mostly through simply observing how children are in the outdoors."

At Little Bears Day Nursery and its pre-school, the focus of forest school is firstly, to develop children’s collaborative working skills, self-esteem, confidence and practical skills. Secondly, to make learning practical, fun and enjoyable so that children develop an enthusiastic attitude towards learning whilst scaffolding and extending their experiences, supporting each child with their learning journey within the EYFS. We are very much a child-led forest school with an adult-guided approach to extend the children’s experiences, learning and development.

Forest school


We will offer every pre-school child the experience on a regular basis so that they get reach their optimum potential in School. In addition, we hope that the children’s forest school experiences will not only give them the skills for life but we will also have created a greater interest, knowledge and understanding of nature and our environment for our children. We hope that they will look after and promote positive wildlife and environmental choices in an on-going manner throughout their lives.

Environmental Impact

Teaching children about caring for the environment in a variety of ways from creating habitats and recycling to using natural resources for craft activities. There is a woodland management plan in place, with objectives to minimise the impact of activities on and off the site. We aim to balance the benefits to the woodland and forest school. If you have any queries, feel free contact us. You can get in touch with us if you live in Milton Keynes or the surrounding areas. 
Environmental impact

To enrol your child in our forest school, call us on

01908 232 832

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